How to Make Your 13×6 Lace Front Wig Last Longer


Making the right choice of wig these days is a daunting task, given the number of wig options we have in the market today. There are many types of wigs, including ginger wigs, bob wigs, lace front wigs, amongst others. Each of these different types of wigs has options based on color, length, and other features. 

Hence, choosing the right wig type can be a little confusing. If your choice of wig is the lace front wig, you must have had a hard time choosing between the 4×4, 13×4, and 13×6 sizes. The 13×6 lace front wig gives you a longer length, and as such, costs more than the other options. 

Because of the investment sacrifice, before you buy a 13×6 lace front wig, you will want the wig to last forever. While that’s impossible, you can make your 13×6 lace front wig last longer – it all depends on maintenance. In this guide, we’ll show you the best maintenance tips to ensure a longer lifespan for your 13×6 lace front wig. 

Use a Compatible Adhesive

The road to a long lifespan for your 13×6 lace front wig starts when installing the lace front and the wig. As much as you can, ensure you have a good product choice for your adhesive. A suitable adhesive glues the lace front wig properly and doesn’t have reactions with your scalp. 

Maintenance Starts After Some Time

Irrespective of the adhesive you choose for the 13×6 lace front wig, the glue would soon lose its potency. At this time, you can easily remove the wig from your head. Depending on the type of adhesive you choose, the time may range between four to eight weeks. The moment you feel your wig is loose, it’s time to remove it and maintain it properly. 

Gentle Combing Methods

Always use a comb with a wide-tooth to comb your 13×6 lace front wig. That way, you save yourself the stress of hair entanglements. If your wig is a curly one, your hands are great to help comb it. 

Wear Your Wig Optimally

The way you use your 13×6 lace front wig affects the lifespan of the wig. That’s why it’s always advisable to own more than five wigs in total. That way, you can always switch wigs from time to time and maintain the wigs optimally. 

Use Good Products

From the adhesive and other products during the installation of a 13×6 lace front wig to the products like conditioners and hair oils, ensure you are using quality products. With quality products, not only are you elongating the lifespan of your 13×6 lace front wig, but you’re also securing the safety of your scalp and hairline. 

Wash Wig at Intervals

During the period of using your 13×6 lace front wig, you need to wash the wig properly. Washing the wig is essential, but it bears some risks when you wash the wig too frequently. We’ll advise that you choose a consistent timeline to wash your 13×6 lace front wig. This timeline should be influenced by the period you wear the wig, and remember, use good products only!


Apart from the methods discussed above, there are some other simple maintenance techniques like taking your wigs away from heat and storing the 13×6 lace front wig properly. What’s important to note is for a wig to last longer, you need to maintain it properly.



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